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EZReplicator is a module that makes it easy to replicate objects, and send signals between the server and client. The purpose of the module is to provide reliable server-client replication without having to deal with the complexities of setting up an environment to replicate between server and client.

With EZReplicator, you can create Subscriptions. A Subscription is a set of data that is created in the server, but automatically replicated to each client connected to the server. Each time a property inside a Subscription is changed, the property is automatically replicated to each client instantly after being changed.

The benefits of using EZReplicator for replication purposes in your experience are:

  • Easy to learn - EZReplicator is a module that is very easy to learn. It is meant to be beginner friendly, using mostly Getter and Setter functions
  • Easily organize anything replication - EZReplicator makes it easy to organize your RemoteEvents and RemoteFunctions, because, with this module, there is no need to create any RemoteEvents or RemoteFunctions!
  • Reliable, easy to fix errors - EZReplicator is meant to be a reliable module. It outputs custom error messages, making it easy to spot and fix errors

Disclaimer: Although EZReplicator has been thoroughly tested, EZReplicator has not been used in any large scale Roblox projects before. Any errors or issues found in the module should be reported.